SuperChops 4 Bass

Supebeav-productrchops 4 Bass series
Beaver is the master of his merchandising domain. He is seen here with instructional tapes, CDs, videos, and books from his “Superchops 4 Bass” series, which he began self-producing and distributing in 1986. The original series included 22 audio tapes, 7 videos, 8 CD/book lessons, which he marketed through advertising in such publications as Guitar Magazine (early ad, original “brochure”). At that time, there was a limited selection of such bass playing instructional materials. Beaver Felton was one the the pioneers of this retail segment. Even as the market became oversaturated with such product, Superchops 4 Bass remained a top seller.

Click for larger photo.Within a year, the successful instructional series was being distributed by segment giant Hotlicks (the sourcebook), and instructional videos were added to the line.


In addition, Beaver created an eight-book/CD series for Hal Leonard, shown below.

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Harmonic Techniques
4 Bass

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Rock and Metal Techniques
4 Bass

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Music Theory
4 Bass

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Scale and Mode Techniques
4 Bass

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Slap StyleTechniques
4 Bass

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Tapping Techniques
4 Bass